Bên cạnh PHÂN TÍCH ĐỀ THI THẬT TASK 2 (dạng advantages & disadvantages) Some students work while studying. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend and give your opinion?NGÀY 04/8/2020 IELTS WRITING GENERAL MÁY TÍNH (kèm bài được sửa hs đi thi), IELTS TUTOR cũng cung cấp luyện đề Extinct: The Giant Deer (Đề thi IELTS READING 04/03/2024)
I. Kiến thức liên quan
II. Làm bài online (kéo xuống cuối bài blog để xem giải thích từ vựng, cấu trúc, dịch & Đáp án with LOCATION cụ thể hơn)
III. Extinct: The Giant Deer (Đề thi IELTS READING 04/03/2024)
Extinct: The Giant Deer
Toothed cats, mastodons, giant sloths, woolly rhinos, and many other big, shaggy mammals are widely thought to have died out around the end of the last ice age, some 10,500 years ago.
The Irish elk is also known as the giant deer (Megaloceros giganteus). Analysis of ancient bones and teeth by scientists based in Britain and Russia show the huge herbivore survived until about 5,000 B.C.-more than three millennia later than previously believed. The research team says this suggests additional factors, besides climate change, probably hastened the giant deer's eventual extinction. The factors could include hunting or habitat destruction by humans.
The Irish elk, so-called because its well-preserved remains are often found in lake sediments under peat bogs in Ireland, first appeared about 400,000 years ago in Europe and central Asia. Through a combination of radiocarbon dating of skeletal remains and the mapping of locations where the remains were unearthed, the team shows the Irish elk was widespread across Europe before the last "big freeze." The deer's range later contracted to the Ural Mountains, in modern-day Russia, which separate Europe from Asia. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý: Bài sửa đề thi 22/8"Many companies nowadays sponsor sport as a way of advertising themselves. Some people think that it is good for the world of sport. Others say there are disadvantages. Discuss both view and give opinion"HS đi thi đạt 7.0 IELTS WRITING
The giant deer made its last stand in western Siberia, some 3,000 years after the ice sheets receded, said the study's co-author, Adrian Lister, professor of palaeobiology at University College London, England. "The eastern foothills of the Urals became very densely forested about 8,000 years ago, which could have pushed them on to the plain," he said. He added that pollen analysis indicates the region then became very dry in response to further climactic change, leading to the loss of important food plants. "In combination with human pressures, this could have finally snuffed them out" "Lister said.
Hunting by humans has often been put forward as a contributory cause of extinctions of the Pleistocene mega fauna. The team, though, said their new date for the Irish elk's extinction hints at an additional human-made problem-habitat destruction. Lister said, "We haven't got just hunting 7,000 years ago-this was also about the time the first Neolithic people settled in the region. They were farmers who would have cleared the land." The presence of humans may help explain why the Irish elk was unable to tough out the latest of many climatic fluctuations-periods it had survived in the past. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý: Phân tích"Cyclists and car drivers today share the same road, and this can cause some problems. What are the problems? What can be done to reduce these problems?"(kèm bài được sửa của HS đạt 6.0 đi thi thật ngày 13/6/2020)
Meanwhile, Lister cast doubt on another possible explanation for the deer's demise-the male's huge antlers. Some scientists have suggested this exaggerated feature the result of females preferring stags with the largest antlers, possibly because they advertised a male's fitness-contributed to the mammal's downfall. They say such antlers would have been a serious inconvenience in the dense forests that spread northward after the last ice age. But, Lister said, "That's a hard argument to make, because the deer previously survived perfectly well through wooded interglacials [warmer periods between ice ages]." Some research has suggested that a lack of sufficient high-quality forage caused the extinction of the elk. High amounts of calcium and phosphate compounds are required to form antlers, and therefore large quantities of these minerals are required for the massive structures of the Irish Elk. The males (and male deer in general) met this requirement partly from their bones, replenishing them from food plants after the antlers were grown or reclaiming the nutrients from discarded antlers (as has been observed in extant deer). Thus, in the antler growth phase, Giant Deer were suffering from a condition similar to osteoporosis. When the climate changed at the end of the last glacial period, the vegetation in the animals' habitat also changed towards species that presumably could not deliver sufficient amounts of the required minerals, at least in the western part of its range.
The extinction of megafauna around the world was almost completed by the end of the last ice age. It is believed that megafauna initially came into existence in response to glacial conditions and became extinct with the onset of warmer climates. Tropical and subtropical areas have experienced less radical climatic change. The most dramatic of these changes was the transformation of a vast area of north Africa into the world's largest desert. Significantly, Africa escaped major faunal extinction as did tropical and sub-tropical Asia. The human exodus from Africa and our entrance into the Americas and Australia were also accompanied by climate change. Australia's climate changed from cold-dry to warm-dry. As a result, surface water became scarce. Most inland lakes became completely dry or dry in the warmer seasons. Most large, predominantly browsing animals lost their habitat and retreated to a narrow band in eastern Australia, where there was permanent water and better vegetation. Some animals may have survived until about 7000 years ago. If people have been in Australia for up to 60 000 years, then megafauna must have co-existed with humans for at least 30 000 years. Regularly hunted modern kangaroos survived not only 10 000 years of Aboriginal hunting, but also an onslaught of commercial shooters. >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý: Phân tích và sửa chi tiết đề thi IELTS SPEAKING 4/8 [Audio+Transcript]
The group of scientists led by A.J. Stuart focused on northern Eurasia, which he was taking as Europe, plus Siberia, essentially, where they've got the best data that animals became extinct in Europe during the Late Pleistocene. Some cold-adapted animals, go through into the last part of the cold stage, and then become extinct up there. So you've actually got two phases of extinction. Now, neither of these coincide--these are Neanderthals here being replaced by modern humans. There's no obvious coincidence between the arrival of humans or climatic change alone and these extinctions. There's a climatic change here, so there's a double effect here. Again, as animals come through to the last part of the cold stage, here there's a fundamental change in the climate, reorganization of vegetation, and the combination of the climatic change and the presence of humans--of advanced Paleolithic humans--causes this wave of extinction. There's a profound difference between the North American data and that of Europe, which summarize that the extinctions in northern Eurasia, in Europe, are moderate and staggered, and in North America severe and sudden. And these things relate to the differences in the timing of human arrival. The extinctions follow from human predation, but only at times of fundamental changes in the environment.
Question 28-32
Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage, using no more than three words from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 28-32 on your answer sheet.
Having been preserved well in Europe and central Asia, the remains of the Irish elk was initially found approximately 28_____________ . Around 29___________, they were driven to live in the plain after being restricted to the Ural Mountains. Hunting was considered as one of the im- portant factors of Irish elk's extinction, people have not started hunting until 30_______________ when Irish elk used to get through under a variety of climatic fluctuations. The huge antlers may possibly contribute to the reason why Irish elk extinct, which was highly controver- sial as they live pleasantly over the span of 31______________. Generally, it is well-known that, at the last maximum ice age, mammals become extinct about 32___________ >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý: PHÂN TÍCH ĐỀ THI TASK 1 VIẾT THƯ NGÀY 05/7/2020"you are going to take a holiday and your friend agrees to stay at your house. Write a letter to him for"IELTS WRITING GENERAL MÁY TÍNH (kèm bài được sửa HS đạt 6.0 đi thi thật)
Question 33-35
Answer the questions below.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.
33. What kind of physical characteristics eventually contributed to the extinction of Irish elk?
34. What kind of nutrient substance needed in maintaining the huge size of Irish elk?
35. What geographical evidence suggested the advent of human resulted in the extinction of Irish elk?
Question 36-39
Choose the letter A-D and fill in box 36-39
A. Eurasia B. Australia C. Asia D. Africa
36. the continents where humans imposed little impact on large mammals extinction
37. the continents where the climatic change was mild and fauna remains
38. the continents where both humans and climatic change are the causes
39. the continents where some animals lost their habitat because of water shortage
40. Which statement is true according the Stuart team's finding?
A. Neanderthals rather than modern humans caused the extinction in Europe
B. Paleolithic humans in Europe along kill the big animals such as Giant deer
C. climatic change was not solely responsible for the mega fauna extinction in Europe
D. moderate and staggered extinction was mainly the result of fundamental climatic change >> IELTS TUTOR lưu ý: PHÂN TÍCH ĐỀ THI THẬT TASK 2 (dạng advantages & disadvantages) Some students work while studying. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend and give your opinion?NGÀY 04/8/2020 IELTS WRITING GENERAL MÁY TÍNH (kèm bài được sửa hs đi thi)
IV. Dịch bài đọc
Tuyệt Chủng: Hươu Khổng Lồ
Mèo có răng, voi răng mấu (mastodons), lười khổng lồ, tê giác lông len, và nhiều loài động vật có vú lớn, nhiều lông khác được cho là đã tuyệt chủng vào khoảng cuối kỷ băng hà cuối cùng, khoảng 10.500 năm trước.
Hươu sừng tấm Ireland, còn được gọi là hươu khổng lồ (Megaloceros giganteus). Phân tích hài cốt (remains = relics, remnants, fossils) và răng cổ đại của các nhà khoa học ở Anh và Nga cho thấy loài động vật ăn cỏ khổng lồ này đã tồn tại đến khoảng năm 5.000 trước Công nguyên - hơn ba thiên niên kỷ so với những gì người ta từng nghĩ. Nhóm nghiên cứu cho rằng điều này gợi ý rằng các yếu tố khác, ngoài biến đổi khí hậu, có thể đã thúc đẩy sự tuyệt chủng cuối cùng của hươu khổng lồ. Các yếu tố này có thể bao gồm săn bắn (hunting = poaching, trapping, pursuing) hoặc sự phá hủy môi trường sống (habitat destruction = environmental degradation, deforestation, land clearance) do con người gây ra.
Hươu sừng tấm Ireland, được gọi như vậy vì hài cốt của chúng được bảo tồn rất tốt và thường được tìm thấy trong trầm tích hồ (lake sediments = deposits, residue, silt) dưới đầm lầy than bùn (peat bogs = marsh, swamp, wetland) ở Ireland, lần đầu tiên xuất hiện khoảng 400.000 năm trước ở châu Âu và Trung Á. Thông qua sự kết hợp của phương pháp định tuổi bằng đồng vị phóng xạ (radiocarbon dating = carbon-14 dating, isotope analysis, age determination) với việc lập bản đồ các địa điểm khai quật hài cốt, nhóm nghiên cứu cho thấy hươu sừng tấm Ireland từng phổ biến khắp châu Âu trước khi kỷ băng hà lớn cuối cùng diễn ra. Phạm vi của loài hươu này sau đó đã thu hẹp lại (contracted = shrank, diminished, narrowed) về phía dãy núi Ural, ở nước Nga hiện đại, nơi ngăn cách châu Âu với châu Á.
Hươu khổng lồ đã có chặng đường cuối cùng của mình ở Tây Siberia, khoảng 3.000 năm sau khi các tảng băng (ice sheets = glaciers, ice caps, frozen layers) rút lui (receded = withdrew, retreated, diminished), theo đồng tác giả của nghiên cứu - giáo sư cổ sinh vật học (palaeobiology = paleontology, evolutionary biology, prehistoric studies) Adrian Lister tại Đại học University College London, Anh. "Các sườn núi phía đông (eastern foothills = slopes, uplands, ridges) của dãy Ural trở nên rất rậm rạp (densely forested = thickly wooded, lush, overgrown) vào khoảng 8.000 năm trước, điều này có thể đã đẩy loài hươu ra đồng bằng (plain = flatland, prairie, lowland)," ông nói.
Việc săn bắn bởi con người thường được đưa ra như một nguyên nhân góp phần vào sự tuyệt chủng của động vật khổng lồ thời Pleistocene (Pleistocene megafauna = prehistoric giant animals, Ice Age beasts, ancient large mammals). Tuy nhiên, nhóm nghiên cứu nói rằng mốc thời gian mới (new date = revised timeline, updated chronology, adjusted period) của sự tuyệt chủng của hươu sừng tấm Ireland cho thấy một vấn đề khác do con người gây ra - sự phá hủy môi trường sống.
Trong khi đó, Lister nghi ngờ một giả thuyết khác về sự diệt vong của loài hươu - cặp gạc khổng lồ của con đực (male’s huge antlers = enormous horns, massive antlers, large branched horns). Một số nhà khoa học đã đề xuất rằng đặc điểm này là kết quả của việc con cái thích con đực có cặp gạc lớn nhất (stags with the largest antlers), có thể vì chúng biểu thị sự khỏe mạnh (fitness = robustness, strength, vitality). Tuy nhiên, Lister cho biết: "Đây là một lập luận khó có thể chứng minh, vì loài hươu này trước đây đã sống sót hoàn toàn tốt trong các thời kỳ ấm hơn giữa các kỷ băng hà (wooded interglacials = temperate periods, mild interstages, warm epochs)."
Sự tuyệt chủng (extinction = annihilation, eradication, elimination) của động vật khổng lồ (megafauna = giant beasts, large prehistoric animals, colossal wildlife) trên khắp thế giới gần như hoàn tất vào cuối kỷ băng hà cuối cùng. Người ta tin rằng động vật khổng lồ ban đầu xuất hiện để thích nghi với điều kiện băng giá (glacial conditions = icy climate, frozen era, subzero environment) và đã tuyệt chủng khi khí hậu trở nên ấm hơn.
Nhóm các nhà khoa học do A.J. Stuart dẫn đầu đã tập trung vào Bắc Âu và Á (northern Eurasia = northern Europe and Asia, Siberia and Europe, Euro-Asian north), nơi họ có dữ liệu tốt nhất (best data = most reliable evidence, strongest records, highest-quality findings) rằng các loài động vật đã tuyệt chủng trong thời kỳ Cuối Kỷ Băng Hà (Late Pleistocene = final Ice Age stage, terminal glacial period, closing Pleistocene epoch).

V. Giải thích từ vựng

VI. Giải thích cấu trúc ngữ pháp khó

VII. Đáp án with LOCATION
Đáp án:
28 400,000 years ago
29 8000 years ago
30 7000 years ago
31 wooded interglacials
32 10500 years ago
33 Male's huge antlers
34 minerals
35 habitat destruction
36 B
37 D
38 A
39 B
40 C

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