The Historical and Medical Significance of Penicillin: Đề thi IELTS READING (Actual test)

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II. The Historical and Medical Significance of Penicillin: Đề thi IELTS READING (Actual test)

The Historical and Medical Significance of Penicillin

Penicillin, a groundbreaking antibiotic discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928, revolutionized the field of medicine and established the foundation for modern pharmacotherapy. Its discovery marked a significant milestone in the fight against bacterial infections, which had claimed countless lives prior to its introduction. This passage explores the history, mechanism, and impact of penicillin on public health, alongside the ongoing challenges presented by antibiotic resistance.

The Discovery of Penicillin

The origins of penicillin can be traced back to an accidental observation made by Fleming while he worked at St. Mary’s Hospital in London. Throughout his research, Fleming noticed that a Petri dish containing Staphylococcus bacteria had been contaminated by a mold, later identified as Penicillium notatum. Remarkably, the bacteria surrounding the mold were destroyed, suggesting that the mold produced a substance capable of inhibiting bacterial growth. This phenomenon captured Fleming’s attention, leading him to conduct further experiments.

Fleming published his findings in 1929, but his work did not gain immediate traction in the scientific community. It was not until the late 1930s that significant progress occurred, thanks to the efforts of scientists such as Howard Florey and Ernst Boris Chain. They recognized the potential of penicillin as a therapeutic agent and began developing methods to mass-produce it. Their collaborative work led to the successful extraction and purification of penicillin, paving the way for clinical trials.

The Mechanism of Action

Penicillin operates by targeting bacterial cell wall synthesis. Specifically, it inhibits the enzyme transpeptidase, which is crucial for cross-linking peptidoglycan layers in the bacterial cell wall. Without proper cross-linking, the cell wall becomes structurally compromised, leading to lysis and death of the bacterium. This selective toxicity is what makes penicillin effective; it can disrupt bacterial cells while leaving human cells unharmed, given that mammalian cells lack cell walls.

Penicillin is particularly effective against gram-positive bacteria, such as Streptococcus and Staphylococcus species, due to their thick peptidoglycan layer. However, the efficacy of penicillin is limited against gram-negative bacteria, which possess an outer membrane that protects them from the antibiotic’s action. This has prompted the development of various forms of penicillin, such as amoxicillin and ampicillin, which exhibit a broader spectrum of antibacterial activity.

The Impact on Healthcare>> Form đăng kí giải đề thi thật IELTS 4 kĩ năng kèm bài giải bộ đề 100 đề PART 2 IELTS SPEAKING quý đang thi (update hàng tuần) từ IELTS TUTOR  

The introduction of penicillin during World War II marked a turning point in medical history. It became a critical therapeutic agent for treating infections among wounded soldiers, significantly reducing mortality rates. The ability to effectively manage bacterial infections transformed medical practice and set the stage for advancements in surgery, chemotherapy, and organ transplants—all of which have benefited immensely from the availability of effective antibiotics.

The post-war era saw a dramatic increase in the use of penicillin and other antibiotics, leading to a significant decline in infectious diseases that once plagued humanity. Diseases such as pneumonia, syphilis, and rheumatic fever became more manageable, and life expectancy increased as public health improved. However, this widespread use also gave rise to a burgeoning problem: antibiotic resistance.

Antibiotic Resistance

The emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria is one of the most pressing challenges facing modern medicine. Overusing and misusing antibiotics have allowed bacteria to develop resistance mechanisms, rendering many antibiotics less effective. Penicillin-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) exemplify this growing concern. The selective pressure exerted by antibiotics encourages the survival of resistant strains, which can lead to treatment failures and increased healthcare costs.

Addressing antibiotic resistance requires a multifaceted approach, including responsible prescribing practices, public education, and increased funding for research into new antibiotics and alternative therapies. Despite these challenges, efforts are ongoing to combat resistance, including the development of novel antibiotics and adjunct therapies that can enhance the effectiveness of existing antibiotics.

Future Directions

As we move forward in the 21st century, the legacy of penicillin remains a vital component of medical science. Research into new derivatives and synergistic combinations of existing antibiotics continues to provide hope in overcoming resistance challenges. Furthermore, a new therapy—utilizing bacteriophages to specifically target and destroy bacteria—emerges as an intriguing alternative that may complement traditional antibiotic treatments.

In addition to exploring novel antimicrobial agents, scientists are delving into the intricacies of how bacteria work and disease. Understanding how the human microbiome interacts with antibiotics will likely inform future protocols designed to mitigate side effects, thereby maintaining the efficacy of these indispensable drugs.

Beyond its medical significance, penicillin has transcended the realm of science, permeating popular culture and public consciousness. It has been romanticized in literature and film, symbolizing hope and innovation in humanity’s battle against disease. The advent of penicillin has been celebrated not just as a triumph of science, but as a powerful reminder of the potential for discovery and progress.

Penicillin’s journey from an accidental discovery to a cornerstone of modern medicine exemplifies the intricate interplay between science, society, and health. While the rise of antibiotic resistance poses significant challenges, the ongoing quest for solutions ensures that penicillin and its derivatives remain integral to our medical arsenal. As we continue to navigate the complexities of microbial resistance and embrace innovation in the field of medicine, the legacy of penicillin will undoubtedly persist as a beacon of hope in the pursuit of health for all.

Question 27-31

Summary Completion
Complete the summary below using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

The discovery of penicillin was largely due to (27) ________ made by Alexander Fleming. The compound works by inhibiting the synthesizing of (28) ________ in bacteria. This action is what allows penicillin to combat primarily (29) ________ bacteria effectively. Since its introduction, penicillin significantly altered medical (30) ________ during World War II. However, the extensive use of antibiotics has led to the emergence of (31) ________ strains of bacteria.

Question 32-36

Multiple Choice Matching
Match the information below (A-H) to the appropriate sections in the passage (32-36). Write the correct letter in boxes provided.

  1. Paragraph 1:
  2. Paragraph 3:
  3. Paragraph 5:
  4. Paragraph 2:
  5. Paragraph 4:

A. Clinical Applications
B. The Mechanism of Action
C. The Evolution of Resistance
D. The Legacy in Culture
E. Historical Background
F. Future Approaches
G. Discovery Method
H. Early Impact on Medicine

Question 37-40:

Match each intricate prompt (37-40) with the most cogent answer (A-H) from the provided lexicon below. Inscribe the corresponding letter in the designated box.

  1. The paramount biochemical mechanism through which penicillin exerts its deleterious effects on pathogenic bacterial populations.

  2. The principal adversities engendered by the ascendance of microbial strains exhibiting resistance to conventional antibiotic therapies.>> IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn PHÂN TÍCH ĐỀ THI 30/5/2020 IELTS WRITING TASK 2 (kèm bài sửa HS đạt 6.5)

  3. The preeminent advancements within the domain of medical intervention catalyzed by the introduction of penicillin during the protracted hostilities of World War II.

  4. Prospective methodologies delineated as solutions to the pernicious challenge posed by the burgeoning phenomenon of antibiotic resistance.

A. Progressive enhancement of surgical techniques and postoperative care protocols.
B. Disruption of the integrity of bacterial cell wall synthesis.
C. The pervasive emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains, culminating in therapeutic ineffectiveness.
D. The integration of bacteriophage therapy as a complementary strategy for bacterial infection management.
E. Augmentation of public health metrics, notably in longevity and disease control.
F. Initial widespread skepticism regarding the therapeutic efficacy of antibiotics.
G. Predominantly exhibits efficacy against gram-positive microbial organisms.
H. Heightened public cognizance surrounding the prudent use of antibiotics.

III. Đáp án The Historical and Medical Significance of Penicillin: Đề thi IELTS READING (Actual test)

Passage 3: The Historical and Medical Significance of Penicillin
27. Accidental observation
28. Bacterial cell walls
29. Gram-positive
30. Practices
31. Resistant
32. E (Historical Background)>> IELTS TUTOR có hướng dẫn kĩ PHÂN TÍCH ĐỀ THI THẬT TASK 1 (Complaint letter) NGÀY 04/8/2020 IELTS WRITING GENERAL MÁY TÍNH (kèm bài được sửa hs đi thi)
33. B (The Mechanism of Action) Prediction
34. H (Early Impact on Medicine)
35. G (Discovery Method)
36. F (Future Approaches)
37. B (Disruption of the integrity of bacterial cell wall synthesis)
38. C (The pervasive emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains, culminating in therapeutic ineffectiveness)
39. E (Augmentation of public health metrics, notably in longevity and disease control)
40. D (The integration of bacteriophage therapy as a complementary strategy for bacterial infection management)

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